
Month: February 2019

BARC on a new episode of K9 Corner

Watch Beach Animal Rehabilitation’s Therapy Director, Dr. Amy Kramer, discuss rehabilitation for senior dogs and Medical Director, Dr. Debra Voulgaris, talk about the role nutrition plays in rehabilitation and pet health on K9 Corner.  Torrance CitiCABLE’s K9 Corner with host Riannon Trutanich features great tips and deals for pet owners and offers suggestions for pet care, Read More…

Expert Tips for Tripawd Wheelchairs on tripawds.com

Certified Canine Rehab Therapist and Beach Animal Rehabilitation Center’s Therapy Director, Dr. Amy Kramer discusses wheelchairs for Tripawds, how a cart can benefit three legged dogs, and the risks of self-prescribing wheels or using them too soon. Read the full article on Tripwads.com.